Lambda expression

美 [ˈlæmdə ɪkˈspreʃn]英 [ˈlæmdə ɪkˈspreʃn]
  • 网络lambda表达式;λ表达式;匿名函数
Lambda expressionLambda expression
  1. Using a lambda expression , we can make this more compact


  2. The first line defines a lambda expression and binds it to the symbol total .


  3. Parameters : Retrieve the parameters of the lambda expression .


  4. Finally , the last expression applies the lambda expression to the list containing ( 101102 ) .


  5. The lambda expression simply dumps the data from the custom event into the stories collection .


  6. Perhaps the most common use of higher-order functions is the lambda expression , which is Lisp 's version of a closure .


  7. In this particular example , a method reference is a clearer expression of what we mean than a lambda expression , but the idea is the same .


  8. An expression tree is a data representation of the lambda expression in a form that is easy for you to read and reason about the lambda expression in .


  9. Therefore , when you issue a query over a type that is queryable , the compiler will generate an expression tree rather than a lambda expression .


  10. Because the lambda expression has the right argument and return types , the compiler verifies that it can be converted into a Comparator and generates the appropriate code for doing so .


  11. Here , the first lambda expression is the mapper ( mapping each element to its size ), and the second lambda expression is the reducer , which takes two sizes and adds them .


  12. If capture of mutable locals were allowed , the platform would need to extend the local variable 's lifetime for as long as the dynamic lifetime of any lambda expression that captures it .


  13. But allowing mutable locals to be captured by lambda expression elevates them to behaving like fields , not locals invisibly and thereby exposes them to the hazards of data races .
